Discover The Strategy That Allowed Me To Make Over $1 MILLION In Land And Real Estate Investing In 2024


(In a market that my competition couldn’t even touch)

NOTE: You will NOT immediately make $1 million with what I’m going to teach you, just like if you paid Babe Ruth to teach you baseball, you wouldn’t become the greatest overnight… But would you hit drastically more home runs than you are today?

Watch This Quick Video To Discover The Investing Strategy You NEED For 2025!




Learn Why Tax Foreclosures are the Next Untapped Gold Mine in Land and Real Estate Investing


(Psst… You most likely have a few of these already sitting in your pipeline!)


Learn this before your competition has a chance to.

Heck Yeah, Clint! Add me to the waitlist!!

"Clint has more insight in one place than I've ever come across in the land industry, and he's excited to offer that insight for free. He doesn't keep the secrets for himself and goes out of his way to help people!"


- Brady P.

In Just 8 WEEKS, I’ll Teach You My

Consistently Successful Land Investing Strategy I Used to Make Over $1,000,000 In 2024…

…And Give You The Proven Step-by-Step Blueprint To Confidently Close A Special Type of Deal That Your Competition Won’t Be Able To Touch!

📅 Here’s the Agenda for the


How tax foreclosures (or ‘messy title deals’ / ‘distressed acquisitions’) are the next golden honey pot for your land investing business…


…and why NOW is the best time to start doing them.

The strategy I used to make 7 figures, with only 10 deals, in 2024, broken down into a step-by-step framework.


I’m not holding ANY steps back, so come prepared to learn and IMPLEMENT.

Resources to best equip you to be successful with these deals!

Join the waitlist!



That land flipping ain’t what it used to be, and now?


Tax Foreclosures

‘Distressed Acquisitions’

‘Messy Title Deals’


Will Be In 2025 What Land Flipping Was In 2015

From: Clint Turner


Hey friend, if you’ve got land flipping pumping through your veins like me, and you’ve been around the scene for some years now…


Then what I said in that headline above probably isn’t too big of a surprise, right?


That’s why what I’m teaching in this masterclass is SO important: because what land flipping was back then is what tax foreclosures are NOW.


So, is this masterclass for you?

I don’t want to waste your time, so here’s exactly who this masterclass is designed for…

Ready to find sellers who don’t have deaf ears?


Most of the mailers you send right now are met with an eye roll and then doomed to the stack on the kitchen counter, never to be seen again. 


With tax foreclosures, these people have had little to no contact with any investors, and they’re DYING to sell. They want out, and you’re their perfect exit door.


✅ Want deals that can turn a profit in quick timeframes? 


Some people think 'messy title deals' take a long time to complete. Our experience (with our strategy) has been the complete opposite.


We complete deals in about 3 months and have enough space to do multiple of these at a time. This will completely flip what you think you know about land/real estate investing on its head.


 This is your chance to finally be ahead of your competition for the next 'era' of land/real estate investing.


And I don't say that lightly. These deals are extremely lucrative when you have the strategy in place to handle them. 


Right now your competition doesn't know about these deals... but a few years from now? They probably will. This is your shot to be ahead of the curve before the 90% catch on.


So if that short list doesn’t disqualify you…


Or if you found yourself saying “FINALLY. Yes please!!”...


Then you CANNOT MISS this masterclass!


Make it a priority, because it could change the course of your entire year and business.

I’m IN! Join the waitlist!

“That’s a REALLY big claim, Clint…”

It sure is, and I make it for a good reason:


About two years ago, my business was hurting.


Frankly, land flipping just wasn’t cutting it anymore.


Even for me, in my position in this industry, it was difficult to keep the pipeline full.


And for the deals that were on my plate?


I was competing against buyers 10x (100x in some cases) the size of my business.


So I knew if I primarily continued with land flipping…


I’d burn up my business like a motor without oil.


Marketing is only getting more expensive…


And land flipping itself is only getting more competitive.


So seeing that the land-flipping well was dry, I knew I had to change course if I wanted my business to still exist a year down the road…

And that’s why I went MIA for 14 months

I went into hermit mode and scoured the land industry for the next big opportunity.


Because there’s ALWAYS something if you look in the right place, at the right time.


And that’s when I found it…


* drum roll please *


Tax foreclosures!


AKA ‘messy title deals’ or ‘distressed acquisitions’.


The names make it sound complicated, but with the grade-A guidance I’m giving you in this masterclass, it’s really not.


In fact, it’s about 80% the same as what you’re already doing.


It’s just about looking in a different place.


A place that your competition not only won’t touch, but can’t touch, because they don’t know how to.


A place that’s right under your nose, but you probably don’t even know it’s there.


…which said differently…


You most likely already have a handful of these deals in your pipeline RIGHT NOW, and if you knew how to do them…


You could close these deals while kicking your feet up on your desk sippin’ your mornin’ joe.


(Yes, yes… It’ll take a *little* more work than that, but I use that to illustrate that these people WANT to sell to you.)

Meaning you don’t have to ‘out-do’ your competition...

because there isn’t any.

Say no more! I want on the waitlist!

"Clint coached my business for a few years and the business doubled in size every year. I give Clint a LOT of credit for that!"


- Jay T.

Before we go any further…

Why should you listen to me?

If you don’t know me, I’m Clint!


Nice to meet ya. I like long walks on the beach and –


Oh, maybe I should talk about my land stuff instead…


I’ve been neck deep in land investing for 8 years now and have made over $15 million through flipping and entitling – from vacant rural residential and recreational, infill, farm and ranch, industrial, and commercial, you name it!


Land investing is in my blood and I love teaching it. That’s why I founded Learn Land.


I’m proud to say that Learn Land has helped over 1,000 people scale their land investing business!


So I’m kinda the ‘land investing guy’, to put it mildly.


That’s why you should take me very seriously when I say you should NOT miss this masterclass.


Not only do I know how to coach you effectively…


I’m also in the trenches doing this myself every. single. day.

So heed my warning when I say that:

Land Flipping is TURBULENT Right Now

And You Must Put Another Tool in Your Belt

BUT only if you like the idea of your business staying competitive.


And it’s my 100% honest opinion that tax foreclosures NEED to be your next tool.


You’ve already heard me rant on and on about the lack of competition in these sorts of deals…


Which means it’s radically easier to get a seller to respond.


On top of that, there are so many more benefits to focusing on these types of deals…


Such as the majority of these deals take less than 3 months and yield an extremely high-profit margin because of the very little upfront risk/out-of-pocket investment.


All of this is covered in my strategy, and while we're on the topic of ‘strategy’…


Steal My Battle-Tested, Step-By-Step, Tax Foreclosure Strategy & Secrets …

Before I snap back into my senses and lock it all away.

I’m not holding anything back in this masterclass.


I’m fully guiding you through each step of the same strategy that I’m using RIGHT NOW in all of my tax foreclosure deals.


It’s my promise to you that you’ll leave these 8 weeks knowing what steps you need to take to immediately start doing these deals.


This blueprint I’m teaching you took me over 14 months and $1,000,000 worth of deals to put together. 


So let me ask you a question:


Can your business afford you missing this strategy in 2025?

If not, here's your last chance to join the waitlist!