Join our community of like-minded land investors who are striving toward the same goals as you.
Over the past several years coaching a wide array of land investors, I've found that regardless if they are in the early stages of the business or are managing a 7-figure land business... they are LONELY.
Felt Burnt Out...
or like you weren't making progress fast enough? You have been at it for a while and your just not reaching that next level and are looking for some direction. You maybe caught in the land yo-yo effect. You are focusing on one area at a time and getting behind in another and aren't able to catch up.
Tried To Celebrate...
a business win with your friends and family but they just didn't get it? They just don't understand the magnitude of even the small things. In this business we all need that confident boost to keep pushing through to keep moving forward. You deserve your own cheerleaders who can appreciate every victory, even the small ones.
Sat Alone...
at your computer saying "am I doing this right?" Nothing is scarier than having a question where real money, buyers and land are on the line and having a serious issue pop-up that you've never encountered. Where do you go? Who do you look to? What do you do when you don't know what to do?
Wanted To Quit...
Have you had those sneaky thoughts of "this may just not be "for me"? You have put in the effort, the time and the money and you are ready to call it quits. Have you come to the conclusion that the only way out is to walk away? Do you honestly want to just throw it all away?
If you responded many times, the Learn Land Scale Community is 100% for you. Join our community and receive the support, cheerleading, and community needed to create a dependable, stress-free and lucrative land investing business.
The Learn Land Scale Community is a year long membership program that will provide you the Support, Network, and Confidence needed to scale your land business. With support and tools you will have the confidence and guidance to take on bigger deals with higher ROI. Become the CEO of a well oiled money generating Land Business.
>> You are feeling alone with little support. Inside you'll be surrounded by land investors in various stages of their business that are eager to support and share their tricks of the trade.
>> You are ready to take on bigger deals and not sure where to start. With weekly office hour calls with our coaches who are running 7-figure land business of their own and our Slack community you will gain the knowledge and confidence to take on those bigger deals.
>> Looking for funding and deal partners. Along with the ability to easily connect with fellow land investors in the game today we also have a reliable workflow to receive funding.
Here's the deal. The Learn Land Scale Community is the ONLY program of it's kind made specifically for land investors.
Our Learn Land Coaches hold an hourly meeting each week. These Q&A style meetings provide you the support and tools you need to scale your business and keep moving forward. All calls are recorded so you won't miss a thing. Receive the support you need every step of the way.
When you operate by yourself in the land investing business world it can be very lonely. When you're in your own head it can be very difficult to see the bigger picture. My team and other members will be here to ease the mental stress that is building a land investing business.
Being surrounded by a community of peers on the same land investing journey as you makes building your business so much easier. This community will hold you accountable to your goals, support you when you're down and cheer you on when you win.
Quickly add land to your portfolio with this no fluff course. The A-Z course will walk you through the steps on how to build a profitable Land Business.
With these 40 instructional videos Clint walks you through step-by-step the tools and systems he used today in his 7-Figure land business.
This step-by-step training, a value of $1,299, is included in the Mastermind Membership. This power packed Training will show you how to streamline your sales process by creating scalable systems that are designed to close land deals. Learn more about the Land Funnel Method Here.
Each member of the Learn Land Mastermind will receive access to my exclusive Facebook Advertising for Land Investors course, a value of $599. This training will dramatically shorten the path to generating an endless stream of highly-qualified buyers into your land investing business. Learn more Here.
We have created a team of investors who are ready to get you the funds you need. We have a reliable workflow where you can submit a deal to our team for review and receive the funding all in a timely fashion.
Experienced land investors are here to support you. You'll get answers to your questions on Facebook/slack, have the chance to network, and interact with them in your accountability groups!
Online membership site with prerecorded trainings, templates, worksheets and swipe files offer you trainings on a wide variety of topics. All of our previous recording calls will be waiting for you as well.
Hey, it's Clint! I've been where you are.
You're all in on making a land investing business work for you because of the control, low-risk, returns and flexibility it affords.
But it's not that easy.
Leads just barely trickle in, marketing strategies are a mystery, and deals are difficult to close.
Not to mention, it's a lonely world with little help and support to turn to.
These challenges are enough to make many land investors quit and go back to the dreaded 9-5 they came from.
That's why I started the Learn Land Scale Community... to help you navigate the ins and outs of a successful land investing business without losing precious time and money.
It's a special time to join the Learn Land Scale Community. I've seen the need and realized that NOW is the time to help land investors achieve their goals. So I'm offering this membership at a SUPER low rate. It will never be offered at this rate again.
Join me on the inside and get the support from a community of like minded land investors who are the trenches alongside you.
- Clint Turner, Founder of Learn Land
The Learn Land Scale Community is for you if:
You've sold a few pieces of land but looking for some guidance and the support of a community.
You have a solid track record of closing deals and it's time to scale.
All calls are recorded and added to the membership site so you can submit questions and deal reviews ahead of time and watch the recording on your own time.
This is a community and weekly office hours, it is not a course. You will be surrounded by land investors in all different stages of their business.
Weekly support calls so you can always get answers to your questions and deals reviewed as they come in to your pipeline.
In addition to the weekly office hours you'll find help and assistance for any questions you ask via the slack channel. You'll be surrounded not only by myself and my team but other land investors that can provide the answers you're looking for.
You can buy and sell land from anywhere. We have clients in Japan, Europe, Mexico, Canada and beyond.
Do note, this course is only about investing in land INSIDE the US, but you can do it anywhere you have a laptop and a phone!
As with all successful ventures, you will typically get out of this program what you put into it. I will say, the more active you are on our slack channel and the number of office hours you participate in you will gain the tools and knowledge to scale.
I can help with every question you have about land investing including deeds, mailing, hiring VA's, accounting, financing, marketing, mindset and more. Join the program and gain access to all of the knowledge I've accumulated over the past several years selling hundreds of properties.
We can't wait to see you inside and see where the opportunity takes your land business!
Copyright © 2020, Learn.Land. All Rights Reserved.
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